
The webinar time shown is in Eastern Standard Time.

  • CACBT Members: $15
  • Non-Members: $45
  • Students & Indigenous: Complimentary registration 


Important: We are in the process of seeking CE credits for this webinar. Currently, CE credits are not being offered, but we will provide an update as soon as we hear back from CPA. 


Webinar Description 

The gold standard treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) that includes exposure with response prevention (ERP). When treatment refusal and drop out rates are considered, only about 50% of people benefit from treatment, and those who do benefit tend to experience only a 40% reduction in symptoms. Common challenges reported by therapists include: motivating clients to do exposure and/or exposure stalling after initial progress, playing ‘whack-a-mole’ as new compulsions pop up, working with obsessions about a feared event in the future or that has some objective truth, and clients allying with their OCD against the therapist. This workshop will review common treatment challenges and expand upon the CBT model for OCD, introducing new ways of formulating OCD persistence and providing concomitant tips for improving treatment engagement both during and outside treatment sessions.


Learning Objectives

1. Identify common mistakes in OCD case formulation

2. Learn strategies for understanding and improving readiness for exposure

3. Learn strategies for executing exposure more effectively


Speaker's Biography

Dr. Purdon is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Waterloo and is Past President of CACBT-ACTCC. She is an expert in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and has been researching and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) for over two decades. She has over 80 peer reviewed research papers and her co-authored self-help book Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts has sold over 50 000 copies to date. In recent years, she has been focused on identifying obstacles to successful outcomes in CBT for OCD.

CBT for OCD: New Tips for Old Challenges

  • mercredi le 08 janvier, 2025 de 11h00 à 12h30
  • Eastern Standard Time (EST)
    Online Webinar via Zoom